Small Bathroom, Big Tubs: Creative Ideas for Renovating Your Bathroom

Renovating your bathroom is an exciting and often necessary step in sprucing up your home. It can also be an overwhelming experience when it comes to deciding on which features to include. Here are three suggestions for your next bathroom renovation in Richmond that you can ask your contractor to work on: 1- Update fixtures Updating fixtures is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for bathroom renovation Richmond . Ask your contractor to install new faucets, sinks and tubs with updated finishes. This will give your space a modern look and also help it last longer. 2- Install a new shower system A new shower system is a great way to upgrade your bathroom. Ask your contractor to install an all-in-one system that comes with rain showerheads or adjustable wall-mounted jets to give your bathroom a luxurious spa-like feel. If you prefer the traditional showerhead, consider one with multiple settings that allow you to customize your showering experience. 3- Add storage space A...